Nutritional Therapy
What is a Nutritional Therapist?
A qualified Nutritional Therapist is someone who holds a 3 year diploma in Nutritional Therapy and is trained in basic biochemistry, physiology and pathology as well as clinical practice.
A Nutritional Therapist offers personalised diet & lifestyle advice, tailored to your individual health needs and goals. This includes carefully chosen dietary recommendations, practical meal suggestions and recipes as well as tips on how to incorporate the changes into your lifestyle.
Nutritional Therapy takes into account the person's current health status as well as the context of lifetime health and lifestyle, while focusing on each individual's goals and wishes.
Clients may be looking for better weight control; more energy; improved immunity, sleep, digestion, skin, joints; a healthy pregnancy; help to manage food intolerance; advice for choosing and using wholesome foods and ingredients; meal plans and recipes; guidance for fussy eaters - along with many other goals.
Grassroots Nutrition uses a unique and effective approach targeting nutrition, lifestyle and emotional health of each client individually. In only 2 sessions, it offers reliable and long lasting results.
I will give you the tools to live a healthy life and manage your diet into the future, and will include free exclusive recipes to help you get off to the best possible start.
For more information visit the Nutritional Therapists of Ireland
here: https://www.ntoi.ie/what-is-nutritional-therapy/
Nutritional Therapy Plans
Gut Health
Leaky Gut, bloating, food intolerance, cravings, abdominal pain, low immunity, general malaise and fatigue … all of these symptoms and more I will help you with in my dedicated Gut Programme designed to identify your triggers, repair your gut and give you a diet to support healing and well-being. I draw on my extensive clinical experience in gut healing and continued research reviews to find the best solutions to fit your lifestyle.
Women's Health
Our bodies change as we walk through life. As women in particular, this means what works for us one year won’t work the next as our health concerns change. You may find yourself unduly stressed, tired, bloated, or just want to know how to feed yourself for optimal health. Whether you want to talk about these concerns or learn a natural and gentle approach to conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, Menopause or Fertility, I can help.
Teenagers' Health
Pressure to conform, along with conflicting body messages, is a big problem for the young today. Self-proclaimed health gurus all have a big influence on our teenagers and young adults, challenging our eating habits at home. This can quickly turn into a eating disorder.
If you or your teenager has questions around their diet or weight, come and talk to me. I can help answer questions and challenge beliefs. Find a natural, healthy, wholesome approach to eating that will work for your child.
Immune Support
From the months spent in the womb to the end of life, our bodies are under constant attack from an enormous range of potentially harmful invaders. Our immune system has developed a wide range of protective measures to protect our bodies. This requires nutrients, lots of them. Discover how to restore and maintain a healthy immune system using foods and supplements. Learn about the powers of Vitamin C, superfoods and supplements to keep your immune system working properly